BPL9: Lack of Motivation to Exercise
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Lack of motivation to exercise is a problem we’ve all experienced.
If you are suffering chronic back pain it can be even harder to get going; even when you know that regular training’s great for bad backs.
Today’s episode is the second part of the interview with Suzanne Wylde, creator of Moving Stretch. Check out part 1 here.
Describing herself as “massively lazy”, Suzanne talks about the days when she struggles getting motivated to exercise.
Her book Moving Stretch: Work Your Fascia to Free Your Body is designed to be simple and easy to use and has a “hot section” on motivation.
We also cover back pain prevention and explore the mind body connection.
Suzanne explains that complete beginners can stretch with her book at home. She then goes a little deeper into the theory and practice of resistance stretching.
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Lack of Motivation to Exercise
- I think it’s hard-wired into humans to conserve energy where possible
- When you’re in that state of low energy, or low self-esteem, or whatever it is – you don’t always feel like taking that first step
- I can relate to that because I’m massively lazy
- I have a hot section in the book on motivating yourself
- To listeners at home who are lazy; there’s no judgement from me…I’m massivley lazy. You just do 5 minutes of stretching….you might feel like doing 5 minutes more and then you can do 5 minutes more. Sometimes it can turn into an hour
- Sometimes, that first step, even for me with the stretching system. I still….sometimes can’t be bothered
- The important thing is to try and prioritise yourself and self-care, so that you can be fit and healthy for people around you
Back Pain Prevention
- I like helping people with a problem….I prefer preventing it
- If you can keep your kids healthy, you’ll probably have healthy 60 year olds
- I think everyone should have a physio session and a personal trainer session at the age of 12 and 14 and 18; just to get them on track. That would prevent a lot of problems
- If we could spend more money on prevention….that would be huge….for society
Back Pain Prevention in the Workplace
- I’m giving companies the opportunity to have stretching trainers come in to their business
- Businesses lose a lot of money to back pain….just having stretching in the office once a week; cost and time-wise it’s a relatively small commitment
Back Pain Mind Body Connection
- When you’re in pain, or you’re uncomfortable; you might not even notice it at the time but you’re mentally less sharp
- People do better when they can move without restriction
- It has surprising consequences when you take some responsibility and you take control of your own body and you do something for yourself; maybe 20 minutes stretching a day
- You’ll get this energy boost, you’l feel more independent; a lot of people have an improved mood from it as well
- It’s hard to know, when you’re in chronic pain, what’s the real problem because the mind gets into a feedback loop
- If you have lower back pain, the area of your brain dedicated to thinking about your lower back can double in size
- It’s good to know that we can get a glitch in the system and re-programme it….and now your body feels safe….it can relax
- When you have good posture, and your body feels relaxed and open, you’re in one reality. When you’re closed in and tense….you’re in another reality
- Our physical state dictates our mood….our mood dictates our physical state
- It’s amazing how much people could change, in a positive way, with what they’ve got…a lot of people just don’t know how….they’re walking round with all this potential but they’re just suffering needlessly
- The fascia….it’s a very important thing to work on mindfully: it likes to stretch slowly
Back Pain Relief Exercises at Home with Moving Stretch: Work Your Fascia to Free Your Body
- I tried to make the explanations super clear
- You can stretch with the book at home
- It’s designed for complete beginners
Resistance Stretching
- Resistance stretching is just moving the body against your own resistance….it’s not resistance bands
- We’re always moving
- We create tension at the beginning of the movement to engage the fascia of the body. Then we move through that tension, so that we can re-condition the fascia
- The stretch does not work by going to the end of the range of motion (ROM) and pushing. The stretch is the movement.
- You don’t get an awful lot of benefit by stretching at the end of the ROM
- The tension engages the fascia. The movement helps us condition the tissue of the fascia
- I believe resistance stretching is safer for a couple of reasons. We stay within the natural ROM and we don’t push through the pain
- You don’t just pull on the the weakest area but engage all of the tissue; muscle tissue, ligaments, tendons and fascia. Then you got to the level that the shortest can go to
- A lot of the tension and blocks are to do with the nervous system
- When you move through resistance with the body, at a slow pace, you’re sort of re-programming your nervous system
- I have worked with weightlifters as well who want to increase their muscle growth….I’ve got amazing results with them….you can’t work out safely if your posture isn’t good
Today’s Guest
Designer of the Moving Stretch system and author of Moving Stretch: Work Your Fascia to Free Your Body Suzanne Wylde
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Thanks to Suzanne for joining me this time.
Everyone has a lack of motivation to exercise sometimes!