BPL2: End Back Pain Forever with Chris Kidawski
Excerpts from the Show
In this, the second episode of the Back Pain Liberation podcast, it’s all about how to end back pain with a self treatment process.
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It’s a real pleasure to introduce strength coach, fitness pro and healer Chris Kidawski.
Chris has first hand experience of extreme, disabling back pain from injuring himself in a weight lifting accident. After the acute phase, he was left with residual tightness, discomfort and a lack of mobility.
The doctors he visited couldn’t find what was causing his problem; something that a lot of us have experienced.
Myofascial Release to End Back Pain
By learning all he could, and working at the problem himself, he was able to re-program what had become habitual bad movement and holding patterns using something called myofascial release techniques.
He found a way to successfully end back pain by applying these self treatment exercises.
Chris now uses these same techniques to help clients overcome their own back problems.
His book:
The Back Pain Bible: a Breakthrough Step-By-Step Self-Treatment Process to End Chronic Back Pain Forever
is out now on Amazon.
- Exercise through this – just do something that is not causing extreme pain. Extreme pain is the brake light.
On the causes of back pain
- All tightness is predicated by weakness.
- If you have back pain you have a butt problem 99% of the time.
- When we get an injury, we picked up a bad movement pattern and made it permanent.
On injuring his back in a weight lifting accident…
- I got a pretty good one man – never in my life did I ever feel something like that.
… then experiencing myofascial release
- When I released that tightness in my back I thought….oh my goodness….when I’m walking now I feel like I’m floating.
On the Book
- Everybody treats the living daylights out of the symptoms…..with this book I’m trying to address the problem.
Find it on amazon.com or amazon.co.uk
Mobility vs. motility
- Mobility comes down to freedom of movement.
- When we have back pain we lack motility; the ability to move spontaneously and actively.
On the mind body connection
- When you have back problems, you lack motility. You have to think and worry. Sometimes that worry turns to desperation and then depression. Like I’ll never be able to do what I did before.
- It’s about programming your entire system right every chance you get.
- Move more aware
Today’s Guest
Strength coach, fitness pro and healer Chris Kidawski.
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Thanks to Chris for joining me this time.
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