Hips and Lower Back Pain

Hips and Lower Back Pain

Hips and Lower Back Pain Hips and Lower Back Pain. Learn about techniques you can do at home to release tight muscles of the hip, specifically the glutes, piriformis, the deep hip rotators and of course iliacus. New: Live Streamed Back Pain Liberation System™ Training...
Muscle Knots with Christine Koth

Muscle Knots with Christine Koth

Muscle Knots with Christine Koth “Tight actually means that either the muscle will not lengthen to its proper length;it’s unable to fully lengthen (usually because the brain tells it not to) or there’s actual contraction inside the muscle itself, a part of...
Iliacus Dysfunction and Pain [Book Giveaway]

Iliacus Dysfunction and Pain [Book Giveaway]

Iliacus Dysfunction and Pain [Book Giveaway] Tightness in the iliacus is is something that a lot of people have…it’s not being addressed Christine Koth Read more Free Online Seminar Reveals the Secrets Of With 27-year back pain survivor and host of the...
What to Do If Your Doctor Doesn’t Listen to You | BPL40

What to Do If Your Doctor Doesn’t Listen to You | BPL40

What to Do If Your Doctor Doesn’t Listen to You | BPL40 What to do if your doctor doesn’t listen to you. You don’t have to put up with a doctor who doesn’t listen or doesn’t believe what you say. It’s usually straightforward to...
The Pain Cycle [Tension & Anxiety] | BPL39

The Pain Cycle [Tension & Anxiety] | BPL39

The Pain Cycle [Tension & Anxiety] | BPL39 The pain cycle has both physical and psychological elements. Chronic pain and bodily vulnerablity cause anxiety, fear and anger. Anxiety, fear and anger will in turn cause physical tension, restriction and pain. Breaking...
Taming Chronic Pain with Amy Orr [Book Giveaway]

Taming Chronic Pain with Amy Orr [Book Giveaway]

Taming Chronic Pain with Amy Orr [Book Giveaway] Don’t passively rely on your doctor to manage your health care. Instead, you should do your own research and find what works for you. This is the message from today’s guest, Amy Orr. Read more Free Webinar...

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