BPL18: Lower Back Pain after Deadlifting
Lower back pain after deadlifting.
In the last episode, we heard from Dr. Sebastian Gonzales about weight training exercises that can cause back problems; specifically squats and deadlifts.
He maintains that resistance training is therapeutic if done correctly.
The key is to always have in mind why you are lifting weights; what are your goals?
We were doing movements which I still do, like deadlifts and squats. But I asked myself “OK, I deadlifted 300lb, do I need to do any more?”
Back Pain Liberation Podcast Milestone
The show has passed a milestone with over ten thousand episode plays.
Thanks to all the listeners to the podcast – I do it for you!
Because of this interest, I will be broadcasting more often. Look out for a new episode every week on Wednesday.
Excerpts from the show
As well lower back pain after deadlifting, we cover some other common back issues.
Also effective self-help strategies.
- Lower Back Pain after Deadlifting
- Morning Back Pain
- Tight Lower Back Muscles
- Movement Is Medicine
- Relaxation for Back Pain
This is the second of 4 episodes with Dr. Sebastian.
Look out for a chance to win an audiobook copy of I Will Beat Back Pain: Getting Into A Winning Mindset For Recovery in a later episode.
Today’s Guest
Founder of Performance Place sports injury specialists, and author of I Will Beat Back Pain: Getting Into A Winning Mindset For Recovery, Dr Sebastian Gonzales.
If you click the above link and buy on Amazon I will (probably) make a small commission at no cost to you. Check back to later episodes for a chance to win a copy of I Will Beat Back Pain: Getting Into A Winning Mindset For Recovery.
More Podcast Episodes
Lower Back Pain after Deadlifting
Dr. Sebastian injured his back deadlifting – some 20 years after recovering from a baseball injury.
- When I injured my back the second time, I think my goals were kinda lost
- I felt that it was just more PR (personal record) this week, PR in a couple of weeks…1 rep maxes
- We were doing movements which I still do, like deadlifts and squats. But I asked myself “OK, I deadlifted 300lb, do I need to do any more?”
- You get hooked into the mentality – it happens in a lot of different sports
- Weightlifting was very therapeutic for me – and it still is
- I needed to consider “What’s the goal?”
- I’m not going to feel any better if I lift 350lb vs 300lb
- I just want to feel good, look good and play baseball
- I got a little lost with the goal setting. Now I’m much more realistic
- I just want to to fitness and like it; it’s not always about doing more
Hi, I’m Iain Barker creator of Back Pain Liberation.
I got back pain young and it got worse over time. Like many others in this situation, I saw plenty of doctors and therapists – all to no avail.
In the end self-help worked best – it often does for bad backs. Now I train regularly, focus on what works, and don’t get back pain.
My goal is to share what I learned. To help you find a more effective way when treatment doesn’t hit the spot.
Morning Back Pain
- The discs swell up at night. If you allow it to do this too much, it hurts
- Rest will swell them up and de-condition the human
- Motion is lotion
- It’s worse in the morning “What the heck? I just lost the flexibility in my hamstrings. I’m gonna stretch it!”
- Static stretching; no matter how many times they test it – it’s sub-par we shouldn’t be doing it
Tight Lower Back Muscles
- Muscle tightness is sometimes protective
- Ususally, the lower back tightens up…the subconscious brain has a whole software pattern that tightens the muscles so you can’t bend forward
- It’s really hard to override these systems
- The software is boss
- The supporting areas decrease, while the pain-generating areas are amplified
- The injury decreases but what stays is these tight muscles that are still thinking it’s helpful
- These muscles are very protective, but sometimes they stay tight much longer than they need to. They need to be re-conditioned
- The lower back is tight – I had this personally. It feels like there’s a big, old Band-Aid on your back. When you bend forward it feels like it’s just trying to rip off but it won’t
- Those muscles are trying to stop you from bending forward. But if you slowly expose y ourself to the ability to bend forward, those muscles will start to slow
- Recovery phases
- Don’t pick the scab
- 1st aid
- Support systems
- Building the engine – that’s mainly the hips
- First aid and scab-picking avoidance – it’s not a long-term thing
- People get stuck in this purgatory “My back is weak , I shouldn’t do this”
- They’re stuck in there for a very long time because it’s scary
- The foundation of getting better is improving the ball socket strength
Movement Is Medicine
- It’s very easy to forget – it’s easy to have some drop-off
- Things just need to change a little bit. Sometimes people get lost
- Where possible I try to get people to a movement-based correction
- Passive treatments (ice, heat, massage) these are all pain modifiers. There’s nothing wrong with that, but they don’t help the person establish a control system
- More than 9 out of 10 can find a movement-based correction; they just need to be coached through it a little bit
- Finding that movement-based correction is a really critical point in their recovery
- Now they are realising the mechanism that irritates and sensitises the tissue. so that they can avoid that
- Some of the largest herniations don’t freak me out. We just need to work with them
- If anything hurts, pause. I hate to tell people to stop
- If you could make one change in your position to be pain-free, what would it be? This may seem complicated, but it’s really not
Relaxation for Back Pain
- You have something that a lot of people don’t have. You are able to chill the system down. And yours is with activity. Some people like to lay there and stare a the sky
- Everyone does need that. They’re stressed out these days – go, go, go…
- You can change someone’s pain by increasing the amount of stimulus they have – not visual but touch
- When you get someone out in nature and they feel the ground. The brain picks this up; it chills the system down
- Being outside and being unplugged is a big thing
- The people who are afraid. They have a very real fear, whether it be true or not, of what structure could be damaged. They’re ususally very structural-minded people
- We have to be very considerate of what they believe to be true. They might think their back is extremely susceptible
- They can all get better, it’s just a different approach
Thanks for Listening!
Was a chiropractor helpful for your back problem? To share your experience, leave a comment below.
To help out the show, click a link to iTunes, Stitcher or TuneIn:
- Subscribe.
- Leave an honest review.
Thanks to Dr Sebastian Gonzales for joining me this time and explaining how the chiropractic profession has evolved; as well as all the other good stuff he shared with us.
More Podcast Episodes
BPL18: Lower Back Pain after Deadlifting
More Podcast Episodes
Lower back pain after deadlifting.
In the last episode, we heard from Dr. Sebastian Gonzales about weight training exercises that can cause back problems; specifically squats and deadlifts.
He maintains that resistance training is therapeutic if done correctly.
The key is to always have in mind why you are lifting weights; what are your goals?
We were doing movements which I still do, like deadlifts and squats. But I asked myself “OK, I deadlifted 300lb, do I need to do any more?”
Back Pain Liberation Podcast Milestone
The show has passed a milestone with over ten thousand episode plays.
Thanks to all the listeners to the podcast – I do it for you!
Because of this interest, I will be broadcasting more often. Look out for a new episode every week on Wednesday.
Excerpts from the show
Today’s Guest
Founder of Performance Place sports injury specialists, and author of I Will Beat Back Pain: Getting Into A Winning Mindset For Recovery, Dr Sebastian Gonzales.
If you click the above link and buy on Amazon I will (probably) make a small commission at no cost to you. Check back to later episodes for a chance to win a copy of I Will Beat Back Pain: Getting Into A Winning Mindset For Recovery.
As well lower back pain after deadlifting, we cover some other common back issues.
Also effective self-help strategies.
- Lower Back Pain after Deadlifting
- Morning Back Pain
- Tight Lower Back Muscles
- Movement Is Medicine
- Relaxation for Back Pain
This is the second of 4 episodes with Dr. Sebastian.
Look out for a chance to win an audiobook copy of I Will Beat Back Pain: Getting Into A Winning Mindset For Recovery in a later episode.
Lower Back Pain after Deadlifting
Dr. Sebastian injured his back deadlifting – some 20 years after recovering from a baseball injury.
- When I injured my back the second time, I think my goals were kinda lost
- I felt that it was just more PR (personal record) this week, PR in a couple of weeks…1 rep maxes
- We were doing movements which I still do, like deadlifts and squats. But I asked myself “OK, I deadlifted 300lb, do I need to do any more?”
- You get hooked into the mentality – it happens in a lot of different sports
- Weightlifting was very therapeutic for me – and it still is
- I needed to consider “What’s the goal?”
- I’m not going to feel any better if I lift 350lb vs 300lb
- I just want to feel good, look good and play baseball
- I got a little lost with the goal setting. Now I’m much more realistic
- I just want to to fitness and like it; it’s not always about doing more
Hi, I’m Iain Barker creator of Back Pain Liberation.
I got back pain young and it got worse over time. Like many others in this situation, I saw plenty of doctors and therapists – all to no avail.
In the end self-help worked best – it often does for bad backs. Now I train regularly, focus on what works, and don’t get back pain.
My goal is to share what I learned. To help you find a more effective way when treatment doesn’t hit the spot.
Morning Back Pain
- The discs swell up at night. If you allow it to do this too much, it hurts
- Rest will swell them up and de-condition the human
- Motion is lotion
- It’s worse in the morning “What the heck? I just lost the flexibility in my hamstrings. I’m gonna stretch it!”
- Static stretching; no matter how many times they test it – it’s sub-par we shouldn’t be doing it
Tight Lower Back Muscles
- Muscle tightness is sometimes protective
- Ususally, the lower back tightens up…the subconscious brain has a whole software pattern that tightens the muscles so you can’t bend forward
- It’s really hard to override these systems
- The software is boss
- The supporting areas decrease, while the pain-generating areas are amplified
- The injury decreases but what stays is these tight muscles that are still thinking it’s helpful
- These muscles are very protective, but sometimes they stay tight much longer than they need to. They need to be re-conditioned
- The lower back is tight – I had this personally. It feels like there’s a big, old Band-Aid on your back. When you bend forward it feels like it’s just trying to rip off but it won’t
- Those muscles are trying to stop you from bending forward. But if you slowly expose y ourself to the ability to bend forward, those muscles will start to slow
- Recovery phases
- Don’t pick the scab
- 1st aid
- Support systems
- Building the engine – that’s mainly the hips
- First aid and scab-picking avoidance – it’s not a long-term thing
- People get stuck in this purgatory “My back is weak , I shouldn’t do this”
- They’re stuck in there for a very long time because it’s scary
- The foundation of getting better is improving the ball socket strength
Movement Is Medicine
- It’s very easy to forget – it’s easy to have some drop-off
- Things just need to change a little bit. Sometimes people get lost
- Where possible I try to get people to a movement-based correction
- Passive treatments (ice, heat, massage) these are all pain modifiers. There’s nothing wrong with that, but they don’t help the person establish a control system
- More than 9 out of 10 can find a movement-based correction; they just need to be coached through it a little bit
- Finding that movement-based correction is a really critical point in their recovery
- Now they are realising the mechanism that irritates and sensitises the tissue. so that they can avoid that
- Some of the largest herniations don’t freak me out. We just need to work with them
- If anything hurts, pause. I hate to tell people to stop
- If you could make one change in your position to be pain-free, what would it be? This may seem complicated, but it’s really not
Relaxation for Back Pain
- You have something that a lot of people don’t have. You are able to chill the system down. And yours is with activity. Some people like to lay there and stare a the sky
- Everyone does need that. They’re stressed out these days – go, go, go…
- You can change someone’s pain by increasing the amount of stimulus they have – not visual but touch
- When you get someone out in nature and they feel the ground. The brain picks this up; it chills the system down
- Being outside and being unplugged is a big thing
- The people who are afraid. They have a very real fear, whether it be true or not, of what structure could be damaged. They’re ususally very structural-minded people
- We have to be very considerate of what they believe to be true. They might think their back is extremely susceptible
- They can all get better, it’s just a different approach
Thanks for Listening!
Was a chiropractor helpful for your back problem? To share your experience, leave a comment below.
To help out the show, click a link to iTunes, Stitcher or TuneIn:
- Subscribe.
- Leave an honest review.
Thanks to Dr Sebastian Gonzales for joining me this time and explaining how the chiropractic profession has evolved; as well as all the other good stuff he shared with us.